- I have no full siblings
- I am the oldest of 38 grandchildren
- I have been with my husband since I was 17
- I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue (endlessly fascinating at a bar)
- I breast fed BOTH of my boys- my youngest till he was 2.5
- I am not really a Dr but I play on on TV (AKA I know alot of medical shit..lol)
- I have been online since 99
- my parents were only married for 2 years
- my eldest boy was a surprise- I was in the middle of planning my wedding when I found out I was pregnant
- my best friend has been my friend since we were in grade school
- I moved out a month after I graduated from high school- I moved to Utah :)
- I LOVE to garden
- I smoke
- I JUST got a tattoo
- I learned to drive- when I was 22
- My mom, my dad and my gramma have the same phone number as when I was a kid
- I despise cleaning- but I like the results
- I have been a licensed hair stylist since 95
- My birthday is December 19
- I go to therapy once a week
- I have colored my hair since I was 13
- My family is littered w/ alcoholism yet I am not an alcoholic
- I was DX'd with major Depression
- I am medicated for afore mentioned depression
- My moms dad was schizophrenic
- I broke my ankle and have a plate and screws in my ankle
- My grandmother is married to my father in law (yet my husband and I have been together longer)
- my sister and I have the same cousin, but we are related on different side of her family
- I do not remember my parents ever living together
- I am a slight internet addict
- I just lost 25 lbs in 18 months
- I have almost at much gray hair as my mom (I am about 30% she is 45%)
- I procrastinate ALOT
- I have ADD
- Sarcasm is a parenting skill as far as I am concerned
- I LOVE to paint (walls, not pictures)
- I am a thrift store JUNKIE
- I can read a book in one day
- My favorite book is The Stand by Stephen King
- I heart CHEESE, any cheese... *drool*
- I gave birth both times with NO medication
- If I had one more, I would have a homebirth
- Both of my boys had the cord wrapped around them in one way or another at their birth
- One of my fondest wishes is to become a Doula
"30 Days of Giveaways"
14 years ago