SO here are 101 things about me
- My middle name is Anne
- my maiden name is Buggy..for real.
- I met my husband when I was 17
- We have been married for 12 years
- I graduated HS w/ a 3.3 GPA
- I used to hate my name, now I love it
- I wish I had gone to college
- I WILL go to college, someday
- I am a gardening addict
- I have a DX of Major Depression
- I love to cook & bake
- I was 22 when I got my drivers license
- I love painting...walls not pictures
- I like to make people laugh
- I am not much for phone calls..I think I burnt myself out in my teen years
- I have friends now that I have had since I was in grade school & Jr High (Nadine, Becky, Rachel, LuAnn,..who am I missing??)
- I rarely hold a grudge...I have seen the havoc it can wreak and refuse to do it
- I throw things when I am pissed off...sometimes I aim...sort of..
- It takes MUCH to piss me off that bad
- I heart purple
- I love the smell of citrus
- I grow herbs in the summer, & use them to cook with
- I make my own spaghetti sauce...always.
- I drool in my sleep
- I also steal covers...
- my mom was 19 when I was born...
- my parents were married for only 2 years
- I am the only child they had together
- my siblings are all half, but I never think of it..
- I rarely buy pop for us to drink...
- I can eat a pound bag of baby carrots w/ some ranch one sitting
- I love cheese, of all kinds
- I drink alot of coffee
- I LOVE plain black tea
- I am addicted to facebook
- I have a rocks
- I can keep a secret FOREVER.
- I am SOOOO nebby nosey it is kind of wrong..I need to know everything.
- I can remember 90% of my families birthdays..but I can never remember ON the day of...
- My family is HUGE. Grandparents had 9 kids...they all have kids (except one..) and now the grand kids are having kids
- I will prolly never be pregnant again...*sigh*
- I have been online since 99
- wow, thats ten years
- we have only been thru 2 computers, and this laptop is our third
- I am cheap.
- I only buy wheat bread
- I freeze bread all the time
- I make my pancakes from scratch
- I love thrift stores
- I miss ebaying :(
- I hate housework, and tend to avoid it alot.
- My kids are carbon copies of me and my husband
- the oldest of me, the youngest of him
- I have recently lost 31lbs
- I have never lived ALONE. ever
- I have driven across country 4 times
- I have never flown on a plane.
- I am a HUGE massive slacker...HUGE.
- I hate laundry..and can never remember to do it unless I am out of clothes...
- I love growing my own food
- I was in remedial math until Jr high
- I did however, read at a 12th grade + level in 8th grade:)
- I never got past pre algebra n 9th grade, and then barely...
- went on to basic math unti I graduated...
- I also failed business math...really.
- I took Latin in 9th grade, which is why I know so many words and their meanings
- I have coffee EVERY morning. if I don't I get a headache
- I smoke 5 or less cigs a day...
- I *hate* beer..
- I drink Hard Cider instead (Woodchuck brand..)
- I also LOVE vodka...
- I am 25% Irish and 75% Polish
- I got my cosmetology education while in HS
- I have had my license since 1995
- my husband is a neat freak..I am most decidedly NOT..
- I feel bad for him sometimes
- i have a thing for Vampire themed TV and books..Buffy is awesome. I love Twilight & Laurell K Hamilton...
- I have to have one foot out from under the covers- you know for temperature control
- I hate wearing gardening gloves, but have realized I have to, or my hands will always be cut up..
- I am a HUGE fan on B&BW Japanese Cherry Blossom & their new on, Vanilla Noir is awesome too
- I have *had* to wear a bra since 4th grade..
- it really sucks being that young and wearing a bra
- but I got over it...I love my girls...even after 2 kids worth of breastfeeding
- I have never been further west than Utah
- I am afraid if I go to Cali the BIG ONE will is how my luck works
- I have worked at a beauty supply, a restaurant,a deli, a dept store, and a salon...also did temp work at a warehouse...and I worked at our county fair in HS at a concession stand...OH and at Lowes in the garden Dept...
- I love purses...someday, I will have a coach purse..someday...
- I rarely wear jewelry...
- I can ONLY play easy on Guitar Hero..srsly. add that 4th button in, I am LOST
- I hate dresses and skirts...
- I typically wear slide/mule style shoes..I hate tying shoes..
- my feet, hands and ass are always cold...
- I refuse to live w/o a dishwasher EVER again..I went 5+ years w/o one..HATED it..
- We have well water..and I love it :)
- I have moved 10 times in 15 years...
- I plan on staying put now that we own a home
- my kids won't have a TV in their bedrooms until they can afford one themselves
- they also won't be getting a free ride to college...we will help, but not pay for it all..
- I love scrabble!!
- I dip my fries in ranch dressing