and as a die hard football fan, I have some silly beliefs/rituals...anyone else who is a hard core fan does me..they may or may not admit it, but they do.
When we lost the AFC Championship game to the Pats a few years ago, I attributed it to the fact that I wore a bracelet I had just gotten....I never should have worn it..I hadn't ever worn it for a game before..and when I did we had a gut wrenching loss...seriously. I boycotted ALL NFL news after that game. it was just too painful to watch..
If they are losing a game, I have been known to leave the room,& miraculously, they start to win!!
I wear the same shirt sometimes...
and this week, I am going to be wearing the same outfit I wore last Hines Ward jersey, a pair of tan sweat pants...& the same undies (washed tho...cannot be that gross..LOL..)
I am struggling w. the idea of watching in the same place tho..we were at my grammas and that is 40 minutes away...I may see if the friends we used to watch w/ are available...
at any rate, anyone else have any silly sports rituals?
I know Julie @ The Cool Mom Guide has No Pants Sunday..which I so relate to