AH it is Tuesday yet again!! yay! been a decent week...tho work has been way dead...I am NOT thrilled....
OK so here goes my randomness...
1- I deeply heart my morning coffee, there is nothing quite like sucking down said cup o joe in the morning, alone. in the quiet. w/ the dog curled in a ball beside me on the couch (shhh...don't tell the hub, he doesn't allow the dog on the couch, but I do in the mornings :)
2- I am STILL geeked out on Zelda for the DS....trying to beat it....how did we do it before the net? I have had to look up more walk thrus and guides...and my kid has to ask for his DS..to which I say 'hang on, i'm trying to do something....'....heh...
3- I got my hair cut yesterday! No big deal you say? Ha! It IS a big deal when you are a hairstylist...lol..no one has time or wants to stay at work later..lol...which is why I color mine myself...which is next on the list!
4-I think I am getting a sore throat. fuck, that ain't good. Airborne here I come...
5- my crazy neighbor(the chick) checked into the nuthatch...and so we know that he won't leave her...damn. I still have crazy neighbors..*sob*
6- I am a lipgloss whore...seriosuly. I have 30+ tubes...I need to go thru them tho...since I colored my hair red, alot of stuff doesn't look right on my anymore...
OH OH Pic Opp
Me, blonde 2-3 ys ago~me red, xmas
Quite the diff no?? I have ever had to get rid of shirts that didnt work w/ red hair....
7- despite my fears of gaining weight over xmas...I somehow managed to LOSE 5 more..which puts me at 31 lost...knock me over w/ a feather...
8- I regularly drive over the speed limit. always. It is not good...I am going to get my ass a ticket...I have such a lead foot..its not like speed demon bad, but it is like 10-15 over..bad me..
9- people who MUST pass you only to get off at the exit 500 ft in front of you annoy me. they should be rounded up and shot.
10- my feet are SO calloused it is almost criminal. I actually wear holes in the bottom of my socks in the winter b/c they are so rough. seriously. I have a nickle foot file in my shower I could used every day...but only manage to use a few times a month....
OK that is my random for the week!!!!!!
check out Keely at the Un-mom...she is the originator for RTT!!